Hi! I’m Francis “Frank” D’Andrea and I am running to be ANC Commissioner for the 6B04 Single Member District (SMD). I am a DMV native and have lived on Capitol Hill since 2014. I am a licensed architect and am passionate about city life, urbanism and DC. I hope to bring my professional knowledge regarding the built environment to help enrich our neighborhood for all of our current and new neighbors and to serve the community.


  • Capitol Hill Row Houses

    Housing/Built Environment

    Capitol Hill (and Washington, DC at large) is an amazing place to live, and housing prices reflect it. We are in one of the most desirable, and therefore expensive, areas in the city and country. In order to bring housing costs down, and allow all our neighbors to have a roof over their heads, we need to pull many levers including affordably priced dwelling units. However, the most effective lever is increasing housing supply. Housing supply must be increased city wide and neighborhood restrictions on increased development often have city-wide effects on housing cost. If we truly care about housing our neighbors across the city, I think the place place to start is right here.

  • Bike Lane

    Biking/Walking Infrastructure

    While the Capitol Hill neighborhood has some of the best walking and biking infrastructure in the city (and perhaps in the US) we still suffer from most transportation planning being car centric. I pledge to advocate for making Capitol Hill a place where people are put first rather than cars. This is key element to reducing pedestrian and bike safety and attaining DC’s Vision Zero goals.

  • Park

    Parks and Green Space

    Our neighborhood has some amazing parks with some (mainly the Metro Park and Plaza) having been recently added. However, these parks have quickly fallen into disrepair due to agency turf wars. I pledge to focus on this issue so our new (and existing) parks are properly taken care of and don’t become a squandered resource.

  • Custom Additions icon

    Constituent Services

    At base, an ANC commissioner’s job is to help citizens interact with government agencies and serve as the communities “squeaky wheel”. Ask any of my friends or family, am I nothing if not determined, persistent and thorough. I pledge to use those qualities on behalf of my neighbors and constituents solving their problems.


An ANC is DC’s most local level of government. It deals with issues at the hyper local level, including things like zoning applications, variances, parking, liquor licenses and safety. While no decisions of the ANC are legally binding, District agencies are required to give the input and resolutions of the various ANC’s “great weight” and often ANC’s can sway city level decisions on development and other issues. They also serve as a hub for the community to interface and interact with district agencies.

Learn more about ANC’s here.



While serving the community is an honor, there are some minor costs associated with outreach. Help me on my mission to serve the Capitol Hill neighborhood with a small donation!

NOTE: The maximum contribution amount per DC law per person or organization is $25.oo.